30 Vlog Ideas that Will Leave You Inspired
Looking for new ways to spruce up your YouTube channel? Check out this list of 30 cool vlog ideas that any channel can try out.
So break out your vlogging camera and start a vlog today with some fresh ideas for your vlog.
Vlog Ideas
1. Ask-Me-Anything
An ask-me-anything video is one of the best ways to strengthen your relationship with your viewers.
In an ask-me-anything, your audience members are allowed to ask you anything they want. In this way, they can relate to you more and feel like a part of your video.
2. A Day in the Life
If the nature of vlogs is to show the highlights of your day, so it only makes sense to show a whole day.
Do your best to films as much of your day as you can. This gives your audience a unique insight that can go unseen in normal vlogs.
3. Tell A Personal Story
Story times are super popular on YouTube, but make it your own by talking about a personal story or something your viewers might not know about you.
To make it more interesting, invite friends or family to be a part of the video. Just be sure to be authentic and genuine.
4. Share Your Latest Trip
If you are a travel vlogger, make videos detailing your latest adventure. Talk about the destination, what you did, and some of the highs and lows.
What you share could be extremely helpful to anyone looking to take the same trip.
Make a vlog that inspires people to travel to some out of the way places.
5. Travel Tips & Traveling on a Budget
Also, make a video about your travel tips and tricks. Traveling is not all fun and games, and if you are a seasoned traveler, let people in on your travel secrets.
From packing tips to creating a travel budget, this is a simple but effective way to enlighten your viewers.
6. Challenge Videos
If you want to make your video go viral, then take part in a YouTube challenge.
Not only are they entertaining to watch, but they are quick and easy to make.
Make sure you pick a challenge that is trending to ensure your video gets seen.
7. Make a Documentary
While people tend to enjoy shorter videos, documentary series is a great way to explore a niche interest or a fascinating subject matter.
For example, Shane Dawson’s Jeffree Star documentary series set a new standard for the type of content people want to see.
8. Collaborate With Another Creator
If you are friends with another vlogger, make a video together. Collaborating with another creator will not only spice up your content, but it will give you more exposure and more networking opportunities.
Moreover, you will find yourself accessing more viewers and potential subscribers.
9. Subscriber Requested Video
If you are running out of video ideas, why not take a note from your loyal subscribers.
If you look closely, your subscribers are full of fun and interesting content ideas. Moreover, if you make a video they specifically asked for, there is no doubt they will actually watch it.
10. A Room or House Tour
While it seems to impede on your privacy, room and house tours are a popular vlog topic.
Not only are they great from building a closer relationship with your viewers, they can also provide some inspiration for someone who might be redecorating their house and room.
11. Song Videos
Music is one of the main reasons people watch a YouTube video, so why not take advantage of that. If you are a singer, try sharing some song covers.
If you are not a singer, a karaoke video will still be a refreshing and entertaining video for your audience.
12. A Boyfriend, Girl friend or Best Friend Tag
Another way to let your viewers catch a glimpse into your life is through your loved ones.
Get your boyfriend, girlfriend or best friend in your next video and ask some viewer-generated questions. This reinforces how your audience relates to you.
13. Family Tags
In addition to having your boyfriend, girlfriend or best friend on your channel, get your parents or siblings involved as well.
After all, they know you far better than anyone one else, even you. Moreover, family driven content always resonates well with people.
14. Make a Top 10s List
If you review products, try creating a fun ranked list of your favorite products.
Get creative with this and do a top 10s list for your favorite movies, makeup, songs, and whatever else floats your boat.
15. Explore New Interests
As much as you make videos about stuff you know, try and make videos about the things you don’t know.
It sounds confusing, but it is entertaining to watch people try new hobbies. It can even encourage your audience to take on new interests.
16. Pranks
Prank videos are funny, entertaining content that tend to go viral. Just remember to play a prank that is safe and fun for everyone in the end.
The last thing you want is to play a prank that could harm someone emotionally and physically.
17. Relationship Advice
Share the highs and lows your relationship with your viewers.
This will show off your authentic and honest side and potentially give you and you partner a chance to talk through some issues.
Moreover, you don’t know how much your advice could help someone in their relationship.
18. Share Your First Heartbreak
Everyone has had their heartbroken, and it never gets any easier for anyone.
As such, be brave and share your first heartbreak with your viewers. Share the lessons you learned because a viewer might be going through a break up and needs some encouragement.
19. Reaction Videos
Like prank videos, reaction videos always get a good response on YouTube. They tend to be hilarious and easy for you to put together.
Try reacting to music videos, mean comments, scary videos or anything that you think will garner a funny reaction.
20. Finishing School Videos
Reflect on finishing school, discuss your future plans, and your overall school experience.
If school was not that much of a priority for you, talk about that as well.
Transition periods for young people can be hard and your video can help put things into perspective for your viewers.
21. Study Tips & Tricks
Additionally, if you are a student, consider sharing your studying techniques with your viewers.
A good idea is to put this video together during exam season because it will motivate viewers to get organized and develop good studying habits.
22. Finance and Budget Videos
Although YouTube seems to be the place for entertainment, it can also teach some important life skills, like dealing with your finances.
If you know how to handle your finances and budget, share that with your viewers. The YouTube platform makes learning about these topics less dry and boring.
23. Personal Challenge Video
Life update videos are unique ways to connect with your audience.
If you have been dealing with life challenges, don’t be afraid to share that with your viewers and how you are working through it.
This keeps you accountable as a creator, but also shows your vulnerability.
24. Review Videos
Naturally, we all interact with new products, tv shows, movies, music, books, and more everyday.
A great vlog idea is to share your experience with any of these things and share your opinion about them.
25. DIY Videos
Nowadays, everyone is looking for a quick and easy to do things themselves.
So if you are a crafty person, consider doing DIY vlogs to help people do projects from home. Some great ideas are flipping thrifted clothing, homemade decorations, DIY costumes, and more.
26. Make Up Tutorials
YouTube is full of make up artists, but you don’t have to be one to make a tutorial.
You can do an in-depth tutorial on your everyday makeup look and share your favourite makeup products. And who knows? Maybe they will want more tutorials from you in the future.
27. Shopping Hauls
Shopping hauls are a great vlog idea especially if you have an audience interested in your shopping habits.
You can do this with groceries, make up, clothes, and just about anything you think is interesting and worth sharing with your viewers.
28. What I Eat in a Day
This type of vlog is particularly great if you are a health and fitness channel.
Nutrition is a huge part of staying healthy and showing what you eat in a day can inspire viewers to rethink their own diets in a new and creative way.
29. Self Care Routine
Everyone experiences stress, and everyone needs to find outlets to take care of their mental health.
If you have a self-care routine, share it with your viewers. Your tips and tricks about staying balanced and relaxed can help your viewers when their stress levels are high.
30. Personal Glow-Up Diaries
Being in front of the camera alot can make you self-conscious. If you start feeling unhappy with your body image, take control and make a transformation video diaries.
This can keep you accountable to your journey and also act as a guide for anyone else trying a transformation journey.
Now you know 30 cool vlog ideas to keep your content fresh and interesting.
Whether you are a seasoned vlogger or a new one, these ideas will help you keep an audience interested. Hopefully, you gained some inspiration through our article.