Liebster Award for Her Coffee Diaries
Just after a few months launching, Her Coffee Diaries was nominated for a Liebster Award. But, hang on. What does that mean?
The Liebster Award is an award meant to introduce new bloggers in the community. Each blogger who accepts nominations from a fellow blogger must then nominate 5-10 bloggers that have less than 1000 followers. They should write a post regarding the award, which includes:
- Thanking the previous blogger for nominating
- Answer questions the previous blogger asked
- Nominate 5-10 bloggers and ask them 10 questions
A gigantic thanks to Ana from Travels of Plushy
First off, I wanted to thank Ana from Travels of Plushy for nominating Her Coffee Diaries in her Liebster Award post. Ana is a gorgeous girl boss living as an expat in Paris. Did I mention she’s also an engineer (which is super awesome!)? She loves to travel and her companion is Très Etonné, her awesome mascot. Ana posts her travels around the globe and shares her life on being an expat. Do check out her awesome content, and let’s answer some questions!
1.How would you define your travel style?
I love traveling on a budget, even though I wouldn’t say no to luxury travel every now and then. The reason is I experience things more locally on a budget. When I’m on a budget, I have to sleep in hostels, eat in small local restaurants, and DIY my own itinerary. It is hard work, but imagine the experience! In hostels I get to meet people who are as budget-minded as I am, who have a lot of tricks up their sleeve to get the best deals and best destinations that will not drain my pocket. When I eat at small restaurants, I get to see the local life first hand and eat delicious local food cooked by local people. By DIY-ing my own itinerary, I have the freedom to change my plans now and then, and maybe bump into amazing people.
I’m doing my solo trip this December so I haven’t decided if I’m a solo traveler or group traveler kind of gal. I’ll update you on that!
2. What was your process of becoming a travel blogger?
I have always loved writing and back when I was in high school, I created a free Blogspot where I could write about anything. However, most of my post turned out to be about family trips. That’s when I knew I wanted to be a travel writer. I kept that blog for 4 years, but posted less frequent since I made my YouTube channel. After awhile, I figured that I like writing more than editing videos (I still like it, but not enough). So, after changing back and forth, I decided in August, 2016, that it was time to make the investment in a website. And here I am today with Her Coffee Diaries.
3. Which region of the Globe do you prefer to travel to?
I fell in love with Latin America when I was in Chile for six months. It would be impossible to travel to Latin America from Indonesia because it’s literally on the other side and it will cost a fortune. So, my answer would be Latin America.
I do want to travel my own country. I miss it so much. However, since I am now in the States, it would not be very strategic to travel to Indonesia at the moment.
4.What’s your most interesting experience abroad?
This is a tricky question. I have lots of interesting experience. However, I might say going to India was the most interesting, because it was such an eye opening experience. I had mixed feelings about India, from happy, amazed, peace, frustration, and I even got sick. India was just an interesting experience overall. It was also my first Intrepid adventure and I got to meet amazing people from all over the world. It was also the first time I went jewelry shopping; people said getting some silver in Jaipur is a must, so I did it! No regrets there…
5.Your favourite top 3 photos you took?
6.Which country has the best food so far? And the worst?
Well, I have a relationship with food, so I don’t have ideas for worst food. I would vouch for Indonesian food; I might be biased but we do have the most delicious food on the planet. However, I did really enjoy the food in Chile. If you ever go there, get yourself a mote con huesillo, chorillanas, and terremoto. I might sound super touristy and super gringa, but you don’t really find these back home.
7.What is your favourite book or film about travel?
I would say my favorite is Where’d You Go, Bernadette? by Maria Semple. This book inspired me so much and reminded me about the idea of self acceptance, getting out of your comfort zone, and using your creative juice. It’s okay to be different and it’s okay to put yourself first in order to find who you are and your purpose. If you haven’t read it, please check it out!
My next favorite would be The Alchemist. I know. Typical, right?
8.To be or not to be: the mountain or the sea?
9.Would you support a cause while traveling?
Yes, I would. I’m very interested in women empowerment and environmental issues. I’m planning to do a volunteer/travel trip next summer in Costa Rica to work with turtles. Super excited!
10.Share an advice for fellow travelers.
I always say travel is not how far you go, but how you open your mind, embrace new things, and get out of your comfort zone. Don’t always stress the idea of travel being equal as going abroad!
My Nominees for the Liebster Award
- Sisterhood of Travel
- Around the World in Katy Days
- Eurotash
- Eleventh Mile
- Bee Wanderlust
- Global ETA
- Hugs Homemade
- Dans Travelling
- Lindon Lee